Hemp vs Bamboo: Reasons Why Hemp Is More Sustainable
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Hemp vs Bamboo have recently been under the limelight thanks to the sustainable fashion movement. But these two plants have been grown and used for thousands of years. Their extensive use throughout history and worldwide attests to their superiority over other crops. Can Hemp replace Bamboo, though? The answer isn’t that simple. Let’s examine some critical areas for comparison.
It’s crucial to understand that two types of fibres are used in Textiles: Natural and Synthetic. As their name suggests, natural fibres are just that—natural. They are cultivable in your backyard. Cotton, Hemp, linen, wool, and silk are among examples. Artificial fibres are known as synthetic fibres. A few examples are nylon, polyester, and rayon. Since these fibres are made from Petroleum, you cannot grow them in your garden, and people alter them to make textiles.
What is Hemp Fabric
Fabric made from Hemp has been used for thousands of years. It is used to make various items, including paper, rope, and cloth. It is environmentally benign because the fibres are manually removed with little chemical help. You can get rid of them by letting the plants start to decompose or by soaking them in water to hasten the process.
There is extremely little waste since, even if not every portion of the plant is used to manufacture fabric, the remainder is typically used to make paper, fertiliser, or fire pellets. Additionally, it is a plant that multiplies and may generate approximately 250% more fibre than cotton on the same land.
What is Bamboo Fabric
Although it is manufactured from natural fibre, bamboo fabric is artificial. Some materials are created by simply spinning the threads and then weaving or knitting them together. With bamboo fabrics, there is initially a little more work. Technically, rayon is a sort of fabric that is used to make most bamboo fabrics.
In a nutshell, steam is used to extract the Bamboo’s leaves and interior, which are crushed. The fibres are then spun into yarn after being combined with various agents. Unfortunately, this results in some waste products being created. Still, as Bamboo is frequently grown on unused land and requires less chemical and pesticide use than other plants used to make fabrics, it helps to somewhat balance things out from an environmental perspective. Resembling with flax or Hemp, it is conceivable to make a fabric like linen from Bamboo, but this is not a common practice.
Why is Hemp Better than Bamboo : Difference
In addition to these advantages, hemp cloth is more permeable and moisture-wicking than Bamboo. Many claim their bamboo sheets are silky smooth, but if they tend to sweat as they sleep, they may find the fabric slippery when they wake up in sweating puddles.
Hemp, on the other hand, can absorb up to 30% of its weight and naturally draws moisture away from the skin. Additionally, it is very absorbent and porous, which lowers the risk of developing night sweats in the first place. Hemp bedding is a dream come true for someone who used to “sweat the bed” all the time.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Soil
Regarding farming, Hemp is more sustainable than Bamboo for a few different reasons. For one thing, hemp and bamboo use even less water than cotton, which is a significant difference. However, growing Hemp still has a considerable advantage over growing Bamboo, despite both plants improving the soil.
The truth is that Hemp is one of the most significant plants for purging the atmosphere of dangerous pollutants. Moreover, it’s somewhat of a super plant because it can thrive in polluted soil without suffering adverse health effects. Hemp is so effective at this “Phytoremediation” process that following the tragic nuclear accident in 1986, scientists successfully used Hemp to repair the soil in Chornobyl.
However, some features of bamboo farming are still good for the environment. For starters, Bamboo grows quickly and thoughtfully. One of the quickest-growing plants on the planet, Bamboo may grow up to two feet daily in some types. Additionally, Bamboo grows back rapidly and readily after being harvested because it is a perennial grass and does not need to be uprooted. At the cultivation stage, Hemp and Bamboo are nearly equal competitors. Unfortunately for Bamboo, the situation gets worse from here.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Fabric Sustainability
Beyond just growing, Hemp is also much more eco-friendly than Bamboo in manufacturing. The process of making cloth from raw bamboo fibres is not sustainable. Its reputation as a reliable cotton substitute has mostly been destroyed. This is due to the laborious procedure required to transform stiff bamboo stalks into soft cloth.
Viscose or rayon made from Bamboo is the actual outcome. The viscose process involves steam being used to remove the bamboo pulp from the plant, combined with harmful chemicals to break down the pulp. After that, this combination is spun into fibres. Bamboo viscose or rayon is the end product, and it scores dreadfully low on the Environmental Benchmark for Fibres. Most manufacturers don’t recycle the chemicals needed to create viscose. Instead, these chemicals damage the ecosystem by leaking into the air and waterways.
Hemp, however, is processed with minimal to no chemicals. As a result, it’s widely regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly fabrics on the market. This demonstrates that Hemp outperforms Bamboo in terms of environmental impact throughout the cultivation and processing phases.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Manufacturing Process
While there are several environmentally friendly and labour-friendly techniques to process Hemp, there aren’t many secure ways to produce bamboo cloth. If an organisation doesn’t safeguard the health and safety of its workers, it cannot be said to be sustainable. Simply put, the individuals who make bamboo viscose don’t benefit from it.
This is due to the poisonous nature of the numerous chemicals used to manufacture viscose, which endangers the health of those who process Bamboo. In addition, viscose production has unpleasant side effects, such as chemical burns, nervous system damage, and cardiovascular damage.
However, people may produce Hemp without using hazardous substances or pollution. However, it requires a lot of manual labour, producers who have been thoroughly inspected guarantee safe workplace conditions and give many workers jobs. So there is much more to sustainability than only preserving the environment. To achieve success, it is crucial to strike a balance between people’s needs and the world’s. So Hemp easily beats Bamboo in terms of worker safety.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Antibacterial Properties
Although Hemp vs Bamboo both have antibacterial properties in their raw forms, Bamboo loses those advantages when processed into fabric. After clearing things up, let’s discuss why Hemp is a more environmentally friendly option for warding off hazardous microorganisms. However, we must first examine what makes Bamboo a less preferable material.
Of course, the annoying viscose process is at the root of it all. Bamboo is essentially reduced to cellulose before being converted into viscose when many of its sustainable qualities and alleged advantages vanish. This includes its inherent antibacterial properties, which are lost when processed into cellulose pulp.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Durability
Although the bamboo cloth is exceptionally soft, it is not the most durable after going through the viscose process and being mixed with other materials. However, Hemp is far more dependable because of its enduring tenacity as a fabric.
Hemp, unlike Bamboo, has some of the world’s longest and most potent natural fibres. So even with heavy use and abuse, hemp clothing will survive for a very long time. And when it comes to Hemp, you don’t have to sacrifice softness. It is incredibly breathable by nature and gets softer after each wash.
You may use the clothing in your closet for a lot longer if it is made of sturdy fabrics like Hemp. This lessens your impact on the world’s waste, which is always more sustainable than wearing out clothing made of flimsy materials in less than a season.
Hemp Vs Bamboo: Versatility
Even people unaware of sustainability and renewability are astonished when they enter a store that sells almost exclusively items derived from a single plant. You can buy anything there, from socks and handkerchiefs to furniture, toiletries, housewares, and paper goods, whether a hemp store or a bamboo store.
Is Hemp or Bamboo Clothing more Sustainable?
For many, the most astounding application of Hemp vs Bamboo produces textiles. However, hemp fibres have been spinning and weaved for thousands of years. In addition, for many years, all of the world’s great sailor fleets relied on Hemp for their ropes and riggings. Hemp and linen were the two most popular textile crops until people created the cotton gin.
The benefits have consistently remained the same. Hemp is incredibly simple to grow, and the most straightforward equipment is all that is needed to process it. Hemp makes the most robust rope and durable fabric because it has some of the longest and strongest fibres found in nature. Hemp is the best material for a heavy-duty canvas or denim. However, it can also be combined with cotton for a lighter hand or woven into something softer.
The use of Bamboo dates back a very long time. The creation of bamboo fabrics dates back a few decades. Those who love natural fibres were astounded when it initially appeared. After getting used to the scratchy texture of hemp fabric, the smoothness of Bamboo was a pleasure.
Nutritional Properties of Hemp
People have been eating bamboo shoots for thousands of years because they are a delectable treat. They are young, soft, and stuffed with protein, minerals, and fibre. They are still no match for the priceless oil found inside a hemp seed. Hemp Seed oil, which should not be confused with CBD oil, hash oil, or other psychotropic cannabis oil products, has some extraordinary nutritional qualities. Hemp seed oil has a naturally high concentration of antioxidants, minerals, and an optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. This makes the oil a fantastic supplement for a healthy heart and skin.