What is Hydroponic Cannabis: Pros and Cons and How to Grow It ?
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Cannabis grown Hydroponically is an intriguing and efficient method. Hydroponic Cannabis Growing can be done in many ways, from large-scale industrial operations to a small garden in your closet. Any Cannabis that is cultivated Hydroponically uses no soil to do so. Instead of employing the Soil’s Natural Nutrients, Gardeners use several growing techniques to apply their Nutrients throughout the growing process.
What is Hydroponic Farming?
The Hydroponic System, often known as Soilless Farming, is a method of producing crops without the use of soil. The roots of the plants in a hydroponic system develop in a liquid nutrient solution or inside moist inert substances like Rockwool and Vermiculite. Plants grown on land or in water can have their roots exposed to the nutrient-rich liquid, or they can also have their roots physically supported by inert material like perlite, gravel, or other substrates. Essential plant nutrients are combined with water to create the liquid nutrient solution.
A Static Liquid or Continually flowing nutritional solution suspends the plant roots. Unlike conventional farming, the Hydroponic Growing System necessitates constant crop attention. To substitute soil, liquid nutrients are poured into growing media like Coco Coir (Coconut Husk Fibres) clay pebbles, or another light, expandable aggregate. The open-root structure used in hydroponic cannabis gardens allows for direct uptake of nutrients and oxygen, making them more effective than conventional soil-based gardens.
Why Hydroponic Farming?
Traditional agriculture uses an enormous amount of resources. Intensification and the expansion of land utilized for food production and agriculture have been seen as the only real solutions to satisfy these expanding demands in the world because most crop production has already been genetically and chemically pushed to its limit. Most of the world’s biodiversity is found in rainforests, which are essential ecosystems that control the planet’s biosphere and quickly convert into monocultures for industrial agriculture.
More examples of mass infection and devastation by zoonotic diseases will inevitably happen if our current agricultural trajectory is not altered. Many of the drawbacks of the agricultural issues that are currently plaguing our globe can be addressed with hydroponic farming. Now you must be wondering what this agriculture method is and how it works.
How to Grow Hydroponic Cannabis
Hydroponic Cannabis growing has emerged as one of the most popular techniques for indoor growers worldwide. Growing your Cannabis is truly a labour of love. It’s crucial to comprehend the numerous methods employed by successful growers if you want to cultivate Marijuana Hydroponically. Since Hydroponics includes everything that is soilless and gives plants oxygen, water, and nutrients, a wide range of systems fall under its domain. In light of this, this straight forward Hydroponics Cannabis growing guide lists some of the more well-liked methods:
1. Deep Water Culture
In the Hydroponic Cannabis Industry, this technology is regarded as one of the easiest. It is especially popular among new growers or growers who are cost conscious. Greater plants with more extensive root systems are grown using the Deep Water technique.
A Deep water culture system requires that each plant be placed in its pot. After that, a tray containing the pots is filled with water. The water receives oxygen through air pumps and is provided with nutrients. A concern with this technique is dry time: you must ensure that your roots have appropriate access to oxygen and aren’t continually submerged in water.
2. Ebb and Flow System
The ebb and flow system, sometimes called flood and drain, differs from other systems in that it doesn’t keep the plant roots submerged in water all the time. Instead, the Fertilizer Solution is poured in excess into the grow tray. The nutrient solution is then emptied back into the reservoir following the flooding, exposing the plants to oxygen before the repeated cycle.
The type and quantity of plants you are growing, the growing space, and the anticipated root size of the crop all affect when this flood action occurs. Even while the system is relatively straightforward, it is also susceptible to power outages, timer malfunctions, or pump breakdowns, which is something to bear if your operation includes a high-stakes component.
3. Wick System
Having no moving parts and being simple to set up, this system is also suitable for beginners. The concept is no more complicated than a candle. The wick technique involves placing plants in a container over oxygen and nutrient-rich water reservoir. A wick, made from any absorbent material such as cotton or cloth, is inserted with one end in the reservoir and the other in the container. The wick draws nutrients and water to nourish plants in the delivery system. This approach is suggested for smaller plants because larger plants may use the nutrients more quickly than they can replenish.
Even if the approach is straightforward, it isn’t very effective if you want to manage a sizable expansion operation. A low-maintenance grower who doesn’t provide retail needs will benefit more from a wick system. Additionally, the Wick system doesn’t require any electrical parts to be added to the arrangement.
4. Nutrient Film Technique
In the Nutrient Film Technique, the Cannabis Plant’s Roots are continuously submerged in water. Plants grown on nutrient films are put in a “Planting Tube” though. A reservoir’s oxygenated water is injected into the tube along with fertilizers. The tube is positioned so water can flow down, saturate the plant’s roots, and drain back into the reservoir.
However, because most of the growing medium is made of air, pump failures and power outages can quickly cause plant roots to dry up. Additionally, it is crucial to shield the exposed roots from light. A Nutrient Film grows should only be chosen by experienced growers because it is challenging to maintain and needs exact adjustments to function effectively.
5. Drip System
A drip system is one of the most popular techniques to grow plants without soil and is used by most hydro growers. Using a tube or something similar, the nutrients are intended to “Drop” into the top of the pot in this arrangement.
Timer-controlled nutrients and any extra nutrients not initially taken by the plant will also be given to the roots of your plant. This system demands a lot of attention because it needs to be examined constantly for changes in pH and nutrient strength levels. Commercial growers prefer drip systems because they control how often fertilizer solution is fed to each plant.
6. Aeroponics System
The Aeroponics system is sophisticated in that the plants are suspended above a body of water. Still, their roots are not submerged in the water but are exposed to the air. Instead, the nutrient-rich water is continuously sprayed on the roots. This strategy might give the grower the most control over the plant’s outcome if they are experienced.
Advantages of Growing Cannabis Hydroponically
Like any Growing Technique, Hydroponics has advantages, difficulties, and restrictions. Before we go into the potentially complicated physics of this operation, let’s talk about the benefits of Hydroponically Cultivating your Weed instead of Utilizing Soil. So what are the main Advantages of using a Hydroponic System, and is the quality of plants grown Hydroponically compared to in Soil?
- Better Yield
Due to the closer control over the process, your plants typically produce more from smaller growing zones. For the same reason, Hydroponic Cannabis may potentially produce higher-quality plants. Furthermore, Cannabis grown Hydroponically matures significantly more quickly, enabling up to six harvests each year.
- Space and Water Conservation
A Hydroponic System doesn’t take up a lot of room to set up. The usage of hydroponic stations requires less space than Soil Cultivation. Water saving is another Benefit due to the compact size. It may consume 20 times less water using Hydroponics than conventional Soil Cultivation.
- No Need for Pesticides
Since Hydroponic Systems don’t require soil, plants grown in them can be kept out of areas where weeds or pests are present, lowering the need for pesticides. Even if you use soil as a growing medium, you are still exposing your plants to any potential weeds that may be present.
- A Year-Round Clean
Due to its adaptability, Hydroponics can flourish in a variety of settings. For year-round cultivation, Hydroponics for Cannabis is most frequently used indoors. Raising Cannabis Plants produces organic and environmentally friendly effects because the environment is clean.
Disadvantages of Growing Cannabis Hydroponically
- Keeping an Eye on Growth
Contrastingly, larger yields can be obtained from outdoor soil-grown Cannabis. There are no limitations on the height of the plant, and each plant can produce more than 400 grams of high-quality fruit. At the same time, indoor Hydroponics may limit growth and produce lower-than-expected outcomes. Spending time observing unsatisfactory growth can be wasteful.
- Technological Shortcomings
Understanding the underlying technology is a good idea regarding what you need to know about Hydroponically Cultivating Marijuana. It is Advantageous for a farmer with cutting-edge technology who can manage any Potential Calamities. Power disruptions can be a nightmare for getting the desired results.
- Disease Spread
A Hydroponic System requires a close, vigilant eye, watching for potential problems and being ready to resolve them immediately. Due to the proximity of all the plants, if mould, mildew, disease, or pests become an issue, they spread through the plants much more quickly.
- Initial Expenses
Hydroponic Indoor Growing has substantially greater initial start-up costs than using soil in flower beds or containers. Research is necessary to choose the best design for a smaller home setup. The design process might even require an irrigation consultant for large-scale operations.
Hydroponic Cannabis Growing has many advantages over Cannabis grown on soil. Hydroponic Marijuana can result in a more significant, better yield, even though there is a little learning curve and occasionally a financial commitment to get a hydro garden up and going. With a history spanning thousands of years, it is understandable why Hydroponics is a popular choice among many Marijuana Farmers worldwide.